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Good News from Swaziland
From a young girl hoping for an education, to a lovely woman with a bright future...
Nomfundo's former head teacher reports, "You will be delighted to know that Nomfundo has been an absolute star! She was our Head Girl in 2011 and finished the year with a Distinction. She was partially responsible for our school being listed in the top twenty schools of the country!
She personally came up and greeted me at the local Steers' Steak House where she was waitressing last year and told me she was waiting to be accepted into 'Varsity which started in September 2012. I have since heard that she was accepted and is receiving a Government subsidy to study at our University. I am not sure which course she is doing, but it sounded as though it was along bio-technical lines.
She is a lovely young lady - quite tall and graceful with a delightful personality - and I am sure she will go far. What a blessing that she was able to finish her schooling."